dental implants AdelaideDental implants help you look better and feel better, get back your smile, and have a more outstanding quality of life overall. For more than 50 years, dental implants are used to replace lost teeth, and they are the standard of oral surgery for restoring functional function in a severely damaged mouth. While dental implants can be used for just teeth restoration, many dentists use them for multiple reasons, too many to list here. Dental implants can improve self-confidence and even raise the credit score for patients with a high-interest level in dental hygiene. Whatever the reason for wanting dental implants, there are several advantages of dental implants worth exploring.

Although dental implants Adelaide has the advantage of looking and performing like real teeth, they require far less maintenance than traditional bridges and partial dentures. These new prosthetic replacement teeth do not need to be cleaned as teeth do, nor do they need to be made into perfect matches to your natural teeth. If you wear braces, you have to keep your braces clean to effectively perform their job: holding your teeth in place so that they will not fall out.

Furthermore, dental implants are a permanent solution. Unlike dentures or partial dentures, which are only temporary solutions for bad teeth, dental implants are a long term fix. They will stay in place for the rest of your life, meaning no more visiting the dentist to have them replaced, no more chewing your food at all or having metal objects put in your mouth (by far the most common cause of bad breath in the country, incidentally), and no more having bridges or partial dentures put in by professionals. You make yourself a dental implant, select the implant material, and you’re done. There is no need to keep up with regular appointments because you’ll always have a tooth to smile with.

Of course, dental implants Adelaide come in all shapes and sizes, depending on what you need them for, but there is one thing that remains the same. No matter what your teeth are currently missing, whether it’s an underlying tooth you need to replace, a chipped tooth, a gap-toothed grin, or just a few missing teeth, you can get a dental implant to take its place. To ensure that you get the best results, you need to consult with your dentist and an expert cosmetic surgeon who has completed several implant procedures himself and who knows how each implant will interact with your existing natural teeth. It’s best if you have as many of your natural teeth as possible to start with, but sometimes it’s worth going for the extra help and the lower risk that comes with dental implants.

Dental implants Adelaide have two significant advantages over placing a bridge in place, in addition to their enduring nature: they are permanent, and they improve your bone density. Because dental implants are built into your gums, they are held securely in place by the bone in your jaw and your facial bones. This means that there is very little space open for anything to go wrong, no loose screws or plates to cause infection, no loose teeth to become loose and cause gaps, no loose crowns to fall out, no loose dentures to be compromised, and no bone growth to compromise the implant. Besides, implants improve your bone density because they fill up spaces that would otherwise be left empty. By filling up those spaces, not only do you improve your overall dental health, but you also improve the strength of your jaw. Since your body will eventually absorb the implant, the only thing you need to worry about is staying healthy enough to sustain the implant for the 30-day healing process duration.

One of the most important factors to consider is the bone architecture of the mouth when it comes to facial structure. Implants are more stable than bridges and can be more secure, particularly when placed on areas like the jaw, where they will remain fixed throughout your life and treatment. Implants also look more natural than bridges, primarily when used on sites like the forehead, cheeks, or chin where traditional dental bridges might shift, buckle, or grow out over time. The best candidates for dental implants have healthy bone structures already since they will have a lesser risk of developing bone sensitivity and pain during their surgical procedure.